We had the kick off meeting with the Architect today to begin the objectives evaluation and schematic design phases of the renovation. We walked through the house with the engineers to review the current condition of the house and the core objectives for the renovation. The architect will then come back with two or more design concepts for the House Corporation, Actives, and Alumni to review and make comments on. The architect selected for the renovation was also involved in the 1995 renovation, Larry Deckard of Ross Deckard Architects in Raleigh.
Our intent is to have an open discussion regarding the direction of the renovation, with input from everyone who is or was a member of Alpha Tau. We have some state and municipal code considerations that will have to be met that may guide the renovation as well, but overall we want to have a consensus that the selected design represents the legacy as well as the future of Sigma Chi at UNC. Much of what will be chosen will be driven by funding, of which we have very little right now. We need your donation to keep this process moving forward. We’ll post more information here as it comes in.
One particular consideration is to whether we relocate the kitchen and dining area back to the basement where it was originally. There are benefits and drawbacks to either option, but the current reality is that the dining area on the main floor is woefully small, and the basement area is not used for social functions as intended. So, take the poll! What do you think?!

Thank you for your interest in keeping Sigma Chi alive and well at UNC. Please check back here often, and make plans to attend one or more alumni functions in the coming year.